“Here is where you become the person you always wanted to be. You find the strength, and the courage, and the sheer guts to get through what you do not want to do. And you finish.”
CrossFit is elite fitness for everyone, from those merely interested in general fitness to elite athletes. Hoosier CrossFit is personal training in a group setting of 1-10; clients of all ages and fitness levels learn how to properly lower themselves (squat), pick up objects (deadlift), bring objects to their chest (clean), and push objects overhead (push press/push jerk/snatch). We mix these elements of Olympic lifting with a variety of other movements executed at an individual’s highest intensity to achieve health and fitness goals. At Hoosier CrossFit you will gain unbelievable strength, yet, maintain cardio respiratory endurance in one 5-45 minute workout.
There’s a program for everyone at HAC! Check out our programs, and let us know if you need help figuring out where to start.
Submit an online request for a free tour and consultation. Before joining, we want to learn about your goals, answer your questions, and help you get started.