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Amethyst House, Inc., is a Bloomington, IN based not-for-profit United Way agency that provides high quality, structured living environments, treatment, education and recovery services to individuals with addictions and substance abuse issues. We operate three transitional houses in Bloomington, IN: -Men’s halfway program serving 19 men. -Men’s three-quarter program serving 5 men. -Women’s halfway program serving 11 women and dependent children up to age 6. We operate full-service outpatient programs in Bloomington and Evansville, IN. :-Intensive outpatient treatment. -Individual, group and family therapy. -Evaluation, case management and referral services.
We began meeting in January 2009 to discuss forming a non-profit organization to improve the quality of life for communities in Tanzania. We are a small group of people with ties to the country, some more directly than others. Walter Miya hails from Arusha, Tanzania, and moved to Indiana after meeting his now wife, Shawn Miya, who spent several months conducting HIV/AIDS prevention classes at secondary schools in the area as a volunteer. With their friends – Tanzanians at IU, Hoosier natives and others, Walter and Shawn are moving forward with plans to fulfill their dream of improving educational opportunities for Tanzanian children and adults.Coming together to share our time and ideas has borne a name, a mission statement, and an application for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization status. Kilimanjaro Education Outreach – “KILEO” for short – will partner with local stakeholders in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania to improve quality of life by enhancing community-owned educational infrastructure, providing HIV prevention classes, and promoting volunteerism. We decided on this mission after discussing issues such as the lack of access to books, the cost to families of providing school uniforms and supplies to their children, and the unavailability of space for children and adults to study, learn how to use computers, or come together for learning opportunities. We want to send shipments of books, build libraries and community centers, offer HIV/AIDS education, and help young adults learn skills they can apply in the workforce.We plan to build a network of Tanzanian and American individuals and organizations with a common goal of providing or enhancing educational resources and infrastructure, and support members of this network while searching for opportunities to initiate our own projects.
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Matthew Gordon Levandoski is a Fine Art Photographer living and working in Bloomington, Indiana, by way of Kelwood, Manitoba, Canada. He is nationally and internationally published in print, web and book form, as well as having been commisioned for musical album liner notes. His aspirations are to always stretch the borders of creativity within his medium and push the limits of ideas. Commisions for private collectors.
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Carolyn Rogers Richard
– Provides apartment rental and sublease listings for IU students, staff & faculty.
Western Skateland
I am a “people person” and love Nature. I love to share my love of the Divine Creative. My art takes me in a variety of directions. I love paper, printmaking, and painting. But, I also enjoy the camera and have studied photography. Therefore, I find that I create in a number of veins. I create in collage, watercolor and incorporate many printmaking techniques. I live in rural Indiana and love the landscape. Many of my paintings are a reflection of places and times of the year. Much of my work is watercolor. I am a Signature member of the Bloomington Watercolor Society and the Watercolor Society of Indiana.I am a retired Art teacher, and I have found myself still wanting to guide others~ now I am placing my focus on women and helping them midwife their own discovery of the “face of their Guide” through a process called “The Art of Allowing”. I am working with women one-on-one. If this intrigues you, please contact me.Some bodies of my work I call inner landscapes. In these pieces, I work abstractly with handmade papers from my own studio and from around the world, creating collages with printing techniques and found objects. I have been working with Mandalas for decades, and I am available to work with you to create a “personal mandala”. Many of my pieces are available as giclee prints in a variety of sizes. Cards are also available in 2 sizes.
Mini-Barns, Outdoor Furnaces, Garages and DecksCheck us out Online
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We are a Indiana statewide 501c3 tax exempt nonprofit public charity organization based in that is here to support, and foster, a safer learning environment for students at all grade levels. We seek to ensure that students involved are able to receive the necessary help that is needed. If you are looking for wonderful opportunities to volunteer please contact us as we have numerous volunteer positions that need filled for your area.
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Our Mission is mobilize people and resources to drive research for a cure and to address the challenges of everyone affected by MS.The National MS Society is a collective of passionate individuals who want to do somethign about MS now – to move together toward a world free of multiple sclerosis. MS stops people from moving. We exist to make sure it doesn’t.Today, more than 7,500 Hoosiers and their families benefit from the National MS Society – Indiana State Chapter through equipment assistance, information and referral, self-help groups, advocacy and a variety of other programs. In addition, the National MS Society continues to be a leader in research to find a cure for MS.
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A fresh, nontraditional approach to photography! I specialize in a unique & creative photojournalistic approach to capturing your individual story; all while remaining unobtrusive to allow the true nature of your day to unfold before my lens. My goal is to evoke the same emotions you feel on your wedding day each and every time you view your photographs. Unlimited hours, beautiful, collage-style storybook albums, coffee table books, high-res DVDs with all images and license to print available. Please visit online to view pricing, packages, and an extensive gallery of images. Also, don’t forget to visit the BLOG to view my latest weddings and events. I hope to have the honor of capturing your special day!Jenny GriseWedding PhotojournalistGrise Photography
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Real Estate Services in southern Indiana to include Bloomington and Foxcliff Estates north of Martinsville, Indiana on hwy # 37. Residential and light commerical construction. Design for both new construction, remodel, landscape, and interiors.
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